Wednesday, May 25, 2016

He's an Equal Opportunity Kinda Guy

There was an article in today's Toledo Blade about an assault.  It seems that one Mr. Charles “Cowboy” Butler, Jr., who is white, was charged with felonious assault and ethnic intimidation against Mr. Adrian Williams, who is black. Although Mr. Butler says that he gets into a lot of fights, he says that he is definitely not a racist.  Why would anyone think so?

Well, perhaps it is the Confederate flag sticker on the back window of his pickup.  Or, maybe, it is his tattoos of Adolf Hitler, the swastika, the Confederate flag, the German iron cross, and a German eagle. “I have five different tattoos that represent my beliefs,” Butler said. But, I guess those tattoos do not represent racist beliefs.

However, we probably should take Mr. Butler at his word.  According to him, “I have no idea why they say this is racially motivated because I’ve gotten in fights with white people, Japanese, Mexican.” 

Yup, an equal opportunity kinda guy.

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