Sunday, May 15, 2016

Have a Sip of America it is just in time for summer.  Budweiser has renamed its flagship brew.  How patriotic considering the company that produces the beer is Belgian.  But, the beer under the Bud name is the country's best-selling nonlight-beer brand.  I guess it really represents American taste. As Tom Acitelli describes it in the Washington Post "Watery, soda-pop fizzy and ruthlessly inoffensive, if not slightly alkaline, in its flavor, the beer tastes the same wherever it’s made and however far it’s shipped." But there is hope that maybe this reincarnation is about to improve.  After all, Donald Trump wants to, "Make America great again!"  He is talking about the beer, isn't he?

Maybe he can make the beer great again.  Oh, wait.  That should just be "make the beer great."  Forget the "again" because it never was great.


  1. I have a couple friends who find Bud---I mean Amer--a little too rich and full bodied! I am not kidding.

  2. When one is used to Bud Light that must be the case!
