Sunday, April 24, 2016

Another Delayed Commemoration

The other day I wrote about Queen Elizabeth II's birthday being officially celebrated, not on her birthday, but in June.  Well guess what?  The Spaniards have a tough time commemorating things when they happen, too. 

Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote died 400 years ago on April 22, 1616.  So there were events all over Spain celebrating him -- on April 23rd! Like the Brits, the Spaniards like to postpone things.  The celebrate on the day of burial rather than on the day of death. So, they commemorate his death not on the day he died, but on the day he was buried -- the first time.  It seems his remains remained lost for almost 400 years.  They were discovered by archeologists and he was reburied on Jun 13, 2015. Maybe they should be celebrating in June to join the Brits. Now I am really confused about celebrations! 

1 comment:

  1. I bet I have a former student or two who would celebrate my burial. :)
