Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Little Big Mac??

I read today that McDonald's is going to offer different Big Mac sizes.  But, before I get into that, isn't "Big Mac" a misnomer.  It is McDonald's so it should be a "Big Mc,"  or "Big Mike" at least.  It is "Mickey D's" isn't it?  Any way, McDonald's is test marketing what I assume is a Little Big Mac, a wonderful oxymoron. So I expected a "Little Big Mac" and a "Big Big Mac," but, no. To get around that problem, they renamed the Big Mac "Grand Mac," which, to me, should be bigger than a Big Mac in the scale of things. So big is now grand. The little one is called, "Mac, Jr," which, I guess, is "Son of Big Mac."  The Mac,Jr. is a single pattie.  But, I thought a single Pattie was an unmarried Irishman, Pattie McDonald. Oh, well.

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