Thursday, April 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth II... Maybe.

Today Queen Elizabeth II turns 90 and the pubs will stay open for two extra hours to celebrate.  But before you plan on drinking more warm beer in those extra hours, you have to wait until she celebrates her birthday on June 10. Huh?  Well it seems that the Brits only like to celebrate birthdays in the summer -- better weather.  This tradition started with  King George II in 1748 and has been going on ever since.  What the weather has to do with longer hours in the pubs remains a mystery.  So, I guess we have to withhold our best wishes for a few weeks.

But, the Brits have a great idea.  So, because I was born January 4, I have decided to have my official birthday on June 4.  Oh, wait.  That's Kathie's birthday.  So the pubs will have to stay open four hours longer!  Now, that's how to celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. You could use the half birthday rule like a lot of schools do. Yours would be July 4.
