Friday, April 29, 2016

May the Spirit Guide You? I Hope Not!

Vice-President Joe Biden, a man I admire, is not the person I would associate with a bigoted, racist segregationist.  But, the association is there and the veep probably did not even realize it. This photo has to be the worst photo-op of all time. 


  1. I found this on Wikipedia: Many voters considered Thurmond a progressive for much of his term, in large part due to his influence in gaining the arrest of the perpetrators of the lynch mob murder of Willie Earle. Though none of the men were found guilty by the all-white jury (as blacks had been disenfranchised under the South Carolina constitution, they could not serve on juries), Thurmond was congratulated by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for his efforts to bring the murderers to justice

    1. Good point, Craig. However, I think that one good deed over the course of Thurmond's long career does not outweigh all the racist comments he made or the discriminatory laws he tried to pass. I am happy to see that my post sent you to do some research. Keep it up!
