Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Testing a Relationship

Here is a strange story that I ran across which I found to be sad but funny.  What do you think?

 In many relationships, especially relatively new ones, the people in them may begin to wonder about whether their partner is loyal and faithful.  Consequently, it is common for them to test the relationship.  People come up with quite ingenious ways of doing so, some of which are quite ingenious.  One woman came up with what seemed to her to be a surefire method.  She wrote a phony breakup letter to her partner and left it in an obvious spot in the bedroom.  She then crawled under the bed to await his arrival to see his reaction.  It worked.

When he got back, he read the letter and then got on his phone.  The women under the bed heard him say into the phone, “Hello darling, I’m coming over.  The dummy finally got the drift that I’ve been cheating.  She’s finally left.  What a mistake, that relationship.  I’m so happy to be free of her.  I wish I’d met you earlier.  See you soon!”  She could not believe what she heard.

When he left, she crawled from under the bed with tears in her eyes only to find that he had left her a note.  “You buffoon.  Next time you want to trick me, make sure your feet aren’t hanging out from under the bed.  Just gone to the store.  See you soon Love.”  

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