Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Every Child Should Have One

Mr. Rayford Berrymon of Los Angeles, CA has filed for a patent for a doll that should make it onto every kid's wish list.  Here is his rationale as listed with the U.S. Patent Office:

"Today, there is a need in the art for a doll and stuffed animal that can mimic the sound of passing gas, can emit a vapor and associated odor and can make facial expressions which will compliment the function of passing gas. The present invention, Poodypoo will pass gas that is visible, audible, and can be smelt. Furthermore, the dolls will laugh and blush and make other facial expressions that may be associated with passing gas."

A NEED?  What  could possobily be the need?  "Great conversation starter at dull parties."  "Oops! It wasn't me, it was the doll."  In my house it is, "That was the cat."

Here is more of a description:

"A laughing, farting stuffed doll having a face and a body with a mechanical component, a sound component, an odor component, a vapor component, and a color changing component embedded inside the stuffed doll... the doll will produce sounds of laughter and passing gas. The stuffed doll can also recite several pre-recorded phrases. (I wonder if "Excuse me" is one of them)  Moreover, it will produce an odor similar to passing gas, it will emit a vapor and it will change facial color similar to blushing. All of the aforementioned can be achieved remotely with the assistance of a remote control."

A REMOTE CONTROL?  Fart on demand?  

Mr. Berrymon applied for the patent on April 28, 2011.  He has not been granted one as of today.  He needs a better patent attorney.

1 comment:

  1. Does he really mean that the facial expressions with "compliment" the sound of the passing gas? Or does he mean complement? I am expecting warning labels, such as "Do not put flame or heat sources near the anal opening of this toy."
