Saturday, June 18, 2016

Don't Want to Drink Alone? Clink a Glass With Fluffy.

Hey.  It had to happen.  Cat lovers of the world rejoice!  A Denver company, Apollo Peak, has come out with cat-friendly wine.  It is nonalcoholic so it is safe for cats to drink.  It is made with organic catnip and water and is colored with beet juice.  There are two varietals:  Pino Meow and MosCATo.  So, sit down and have a nice conversation over a glass of wine with your cat.  Now, if someone comes up with a cat martini or cosmopolitan, we are talking about some good times!  They already like the cheese.

Looks Good!


  1. I'm sure this was interesting, as are all your posts. But you know me; I stopped after the third sentence.

  2. When there was talk about Wal-mart marketing its own wines, people suggested names for them. The suggestions included:
    12. Chateau Traileur Parc
    11. White Trashfindel
    10. Big Red Gulp
    9. Grape Expectations
    8. Domaine Wal-Mart "Merde du Pays" (Translated "Shit of the Land")
    7. NASCARbernet
    6. Chef Boyardeaux
    5. Peanut Noir
    4. Chateau des Moines
    3. I Can't Believe It's Not Vinegar!
    2. World Championship Riesling
    1. Nasty Spumante

    1. Nasti Spumante
