Saturday, June 18, 2016

Don't Want to Drink Alone? Clink a Glass With Fluffy.

Hey.  It had to happen.  Cat lovers of the world rejoice!  A Denver company, Apollo Peak, has come out with cat-friendly wine.  It is nonalcoholic so it is safe for cats to drink.  It is made with organic catnip and water and is colored with beet juice.  There are two varietals:  Pino Meow and MosCATo.  So, sit down and have a nice conversation over a glass of wine with your cat.  Now, if someone comes up with a cat martini or cosmopolitan, we are talking about some good times!  They already like the cheese.

Looks Good!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

First Female Presidential Candidate

Congratulations to Hillary Clinton on her being the first female Presidential candidate from a major political party.  However, she is not the first woman to run for President.  That honor goes to Victoria Woodhull who ran in 1872.  And what a woman she was.  She was waaaaay ahead of her times.  I found her story fascinating.  Check out how much ahead of her time she was.

Victoria Woodhall

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Testing a Relationship

Here is a strange story that I ran across which I found to be sad but funny.  What do you think?

 In many relationships, especially relatively new ones, the people in them may begin to wonder about whether their partner is loyal and faithful.  Consequently, it is common for them to test the relationship.  People come up with quite ingenious ways of doing so, some of which are quite ingenious.  One woman came up with what seemed to her to be a surefire method.  She wrote a phony breakup letter to her partner and left it in an obvious spot in the bedroom.  She then crawled under the bed to await his arrival to see his reaction.  It worked.

When he got back, he read the letter and then got on his phone.  The women under the bed heard him say into the phone, “Hello darling, I’m coming over.  The dummy finally got the drift that I’ve been cheating.  She’s finally left.  What a mistake, that relationship.  I’m so happy to be free of her.  I wish I’d met you earlier.  See you soon!”  She could not believe what she heard.

When he left, she crawled from under the bed with tears in her eyes only to find that he had left her a note.  “You buffoon.  Next time you want to trick me, make sure your feet aren’t hanging out from under the bed.  Just gone to the store.  See you soon Love.”  

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Every Child Should Have One

Mr. Rayford Berrymon of Los Angeles, CA has filed for a patent for a doll that should make it onto every kid's wish list.  Here is his rationale as listed with the U.S. Patent Office:

"Today, there is a need in the art for a doll and stuffed animal that can mimic the sound of passing gas, can emit a vapor and associated odor and can make facial expressions which will compliment the function of passing gas. The present invention, Poodypoo will pass gas that is visible, audible, and can be smelt. Furthermore, the dolls will laugh and blush and make other facial expressions that may be associated with passing gas."

A NEED?  What  could possobily be the need?  "Great conversation starter at dull parties."  "Oops! It wasn't me, it was the doll."  In my house it is, "That was the cat."

Here is more of a description:

"A laughing, farting stuffed doll having a face and a body with a mechanical component, a sound component, an odor component, a vapor component, and a color changing component embedded inside the stuffed doll... the doll will produce sounds of laughter and passing gas. The stuffed doll can also recite several pre-recorded phrases. (I wonder if "Excuse me" is one of them)  Moreover, it will produce an odor similar to passing gas, it will emit a vapor and it will change facial color similar to blushing. All of the aforementioned can be achieved remotely with the assistance of a remote control."

A REMOTE CONTROL?  Fart on demand?  

Mr. Berrymon applied for the patent on April 28, 2011.  He has not been granted one as of today.  He needs a better patent attorney.